Q: Father Mulcahy
PAX: Bitcoin, Gander, skidloader, Ottoman, Hambone, Dep Dawg, Peeping Tom, Mr. Roboto, BlackDog (F3 New Bern), Cuddy, Faulkner F3, THERANOS, Acolyte, Moonshine, PubertyBlocker, 1 Finger, unicorn, McRib, Zalinsky the Cavalier, Morning, Rubber Duck, Dabo, Pyro, Father Mulcahy, @Lil’ Toot, @radar
FNGs: 1 @radar
Father Mulcahy told me “I don’t do those things anymore” so here’s an overdue Backblast for the Single TRIPLE RESPECT workout. #TClaps to the HIMs that showed up for the beatdown!
Father Mulcahy led us in a WARM-O-RAMA followed by a mosey with stops at the front of the club and the tennis courts, then moseying on to Garber.
Once there, we did stacked exercises, with a loop around the ministry center alternating with sprints.
We then moseyed back to the CC for some final exercises.
We named, added Radar the FNG, announced, and prayed.
Father Mulcahy was presented with a “Triple Respect” patch from F3 New Bern and encouraged to slap that on a ruck sack one more to keep posting.
Be on the lookout for a convergence soon where we can tackle the Double Triple Respect and have Kevorkian join us as well, perhaps on a Saturday?
Father Mulcahy – it was an honor and pleasure to be Q’ed by you today!