Q: Nutz
PAX: BlackDog (F3 New Bern), Pyro, Zalinsky the Cavalier, Moonshine, Hermey, Ottoman, Capt Von Trapp, Hambone, Bitcoin, Nutz, Rubberduck
FNGs: 1 Rubberduck
We had a great showing on a Monday morning. Warm-a-Rama was merkins, sun gods and windmills. We then carried our kettlebells to the ramp at the parking deck.
We paired off into teams of two with one thrupple. Partner 1 carried their kettle bell in an asymmetrical carry up the ramp and back, either briefcase or front rack. While partner 1 was on their journey, partner 2 was completing the prescribed workout. 50 reps each of the following: merkins, squats, ruck OHP, Imperial walkers (4 count), and lunges (50 per leg). When partner 1 returned the kettle bell was exchanged and partners 1 picked up where partner 2 left off. Renee and repeat. Teams that finished their reps jumped in to help teams that were behind. After all teams had completed their workout we took a brief cooldown walk up the ramp and back. We then headed back to UPP with kettle bells in tow and circled up for announcements and prayers.