Bushwood Backblast – plenty of light

AO: ao-bushwood
Q: McRib
PAX: Faulkner F3, Father Mulcahy, Mr. Roboto, Stickbuilt, skidloader, Subway, unicorn, Peeping Tom, winthorpe
FNGs: None
Leg stretches: right over left, left over right
Michael Phelps
Mosey to tennis courts, where lights never came on, for

Thang – partner up
Partner A does suicide or other mode of transportation across courts, while partner B does exercise, flap jack.
Round 1: Suicide, Hand Release Merkins
Round 2: Crab Crawl, Crab Cakes
Round 3: Suicide, Shoulder taps
Round 4: Lunge walk, plank
Round 5: Suicide, LBCs
Round 6: Defensive slides, Freddie Mercuries
Round 7: Suicide, Low slow flutter
Round 8: Bear Crawl, Box cutters
Round 9: Skips with high knee, Squat jumps
Round 10: Suicide, Sumo Squats
Round 11: Suicide, Squats
Round 12: Karoake, Alternating Lunge
Round 13: Suicide, balls to the fence
Round 14: High knees, Carolina dry docks
Round 15: Suicide, Heel touches
Round 16: Butt kickers, 6 inch leg hold
Round 17: Suicide, wide merkins
Round 18: Backwards run, Star jacks
Round 19: Suicide, Iron Mikes
Round 20: Crawl bear, Monkey humpers

Walk to entrance, sprint back to parking lot

no time

Counted and prayed, thankful for the full moon which provided plenty of light for workout.

Enjoyed it fellas, always a pleasure to lead

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