AO: csaups-challenges-and-downrange
Q: Moonshine
PAX: Capt Von Trapp, Moonshine
FNGs: None
YHC rucked to the AO to greet the pax this chilly dark morning. However, with several pax unable to post at Cruisin in Taberna this morning, I was alone in the dark of an empty parking lot. I started reflecting on the workouts this week and then thought to myself, “If ever I believe my work is done
Then I’ll start back at one” and ventured out of parking lot to start. Then I saw headlights in the distance fast approaching. Could it be? It was CVT coming in hot.
Q: Moonshine
PAX: Capt Von Trapp, Moonshine
FNGs: None
YHC rucked to the AO to greet the pax this chilly dark morning. However, with several pax unable to post at Cruisin in Taberna this morning, I was alone in the dark of an empty parking lot. I started reflecting on the workouts this week and then thought to myself, “If ever I believe my work is done
Then I’ll start back at one” and ventured out of parking lot to start. Then I saw headlights in the distance fast approaching. Could it be? It was CVT coming in hot.
With pax doubling in numbers, we ventured out on the quest of the day. Pace was slightly slower as we were recovering from Ruck It and Bushwood. Worried we wouldn’t make it back to the AO on time, YHC proclaimed that though it was just the two of us, we could make it if we tried (back to the AO).
Distance: 2.61 miles