The Range-Phoenix

AO: csaups-challenges-and-downrange
Q: BlackDog (F3 New Bern)
PAX: BlackDog (F3 New Bern)
FNGs: None
Title: F3 Baseball Trivia
Date: 9/20/2024
AO: #ao_c_the_range
Q: @Chief
PAX: @deathwish @Jeter @PadThai @VIP BlackDog (F3 New Bern) @Bear Trap (PC 2nd F) @Mickey @Plunger @Chief
FNGs: 1 – @Plunger
DRs: 1 – BlackDog (F3 New Bern)

– 9 motivators
– 9 heel grabs
– 9 Nolan Ryan’s

Time for some baseball movie trivia! Here is your trivia game format: for each movie there will be 3 questions. Pax will do an exercise while we wait for final answer from pax.
– Question #1: Pax guess what year movie came out. Then do lunges for the numbers added up (2015 means 2+0+1+5= 8 lunges per leg). Add to the number of reps by number of years pax are off from the actual year movie came out.
– Question #2: YHC forgot the name so @Jeter so eloquently named this Oh Sh*ts! Groiner + merkin. Right answer = 3, wrong answer = 5 and I don’t know = 4
– Question #3: Superman pull ups! Right answer = 15, wrong = 25 and I don’t know = 20

Movie #1: Sandlot!
– 1993 = 22 lunges per leg. @VIP couldn’t help much with this one – he was negative 13 years old. Thankfully @PadThai and @Bear Trap (PC 2nd F) saved us here
– Name of best player from movie: Benny the Jet Rodriguez!
– Name of the dog in movie: beast!

– sliding separator on bball court

Movie #2: Major League
– 1989 = 27 lunges per leg l
– Nickname for Charlie Sheen’s character: Wild thing!
– What was MLB league minimum in 1989? Guess was $90k, correct answer $68K league min in 1989. @Jeter nailed this one!!

– up Fitzpatrick hill backwards X 3

Movie #3: Moneyball
– 2011 = 4 lunges + penalty. Finally a movie where @VIP was alive
– Name of person Brad Pitt was playing in movie: Billy Beane! @Mickey knew this immediately!!
– Moneyball was first baseball movie nominated for best picture since what baseball movie: Field of Dreams!

– running separator in bball court

Movie #4: Field of Dreams
– 1989 = 27 lunges per leg
– What type of field did they play on and in what state: Corn field in Iowa!
– Kevin Costner had just starred in what other baseball film? Bull Durham!

– back up Fitzpatrick hill backwards x 3 with 10 derkins at the bottom

Mary – kicked off by BlackDog (F3 New Bern) joining us DR!

COT: Lots to be grateful for today!

Finished with a quote from Tommy lasorda for us in F3 to think about as leaders: “There are three types of baseball players: those who wonder what will happen, those who watch it happen, and those who make it happen”.

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