OTB Ruck in Taberna. 9/11 step challenge

AO: csaups-challenges-and-downrange
Q: Hambone
PAX: Hambone, Moonshine, Polyp, That’s My Name, PubertyBlocker
FNGs: None
Hambone requested to call an audible this morning. He had arrived early and diligently counted there were 22 steps leading up to side of the clubhouse. He then strategically placed lights on the steps along with a Bluetooth speaker.

The pax then set out to complete a 2,200 step challenge in honor of the number of steps first responders climbed on 9/11/2001.

10 Rounds of
– Stair climb (22 steps) 10x
– Alternating rounds of traditional ruck carry, rifle carry, slick.
– Alternating rounds of single steps, every other step, every 3rd step.
– After each round we would catch our breath while doing 11 Merkins or 11 squats.

Hard stop at 0615. However, having only finished 90 sets of climbing the stairs, several pax decided to stay few minutes after hard stop to finish the final round to reach goal of 2,200 stairs climbed.

Never Forget. please take time in remembrance of 9/11 today.

If anyone has an extra ruck they would like to loan for Wednesday ruck in Taberna please let me know, would be much appreciated.

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