14 men for a beautiful morning in downtown New Bern. The pax spent most of their time on Middle Street for a workout inspired by a little alliteration, Mayhem on Middle. Here’s how it went.
With Christmas decorations having arrived, the south side of the park was blocked to cars, so all gathered at the Flag Poles where we started with some Warmarama.
SSH x10 IC
Mountain Climbers x10 IC
Carrot Pickers x10 IC
Frankensteins x10 IC
Sun Gods x10 IC, forward then reverse
Michael Phelps x10 IC
Mosey to Middle (with a glance down Craven just for good measure) for the Thang. We decided that should Micheal Phelps actually come out to an F3 workout, he would be named Bong or maybe Bong Water.
First routine was a round of 11s with Mike Tyson’s (feet on curb) and LBCs on the other side, with Lunge Walk to the other side and mosey back.
Next routine was where the MAYHEM started. Partner Up. Partner A stays back and does an exercise. Partner B moseys out to the Cross walk and back. With a quick hello to the WCTI 12 morning news live shot guy, the exercises were as follows. Pax started working as a team to get 100 reps, it was modified for time to be AMRAP and flap jack with partner so that each completed 1 set.
American Hammers
Yves Pol (Backwards Run, while partner did Imperial Walkers)
Hillbilly Squats
E2K (Elbow to Knee aka Freddie Mercurys)
Monkey Humpers
All You Got to the Crosswalk and then right in to Bataan Death Crawl to the Pollock Street Intersection. Down Pollock for Light Pole Burpee Stack with a break at the Craven intersection.
Mosey to East Front with a break for Heel Touches. Mosey to first park entrance with stop for Gas Pumps followed by Low Slow Flutter. Then back to the Flag Poles for LBCs.
Bell Ringing again this year, expect to hear more from Gander
CSAUP: F3Carterico is having The Kraken on 12/11 (run or ruck division), Similar idea to the Sasquatch in ENC. I know last minute but would love to have folks come join us. If interested do not need to HC just show, if you want a Tshirt need confirmation by 11/22. $20 for event (10 shirt, 10 food). DM me if you want a shirt or how many.
What: The Kracken
When: Saturday 12/11 HS at 0700
Where: Dunes Club, Atlantic Beach
Preview: somewhere between 8-10 miles with boot camps mixed in, Ruck division also
Why: We are men do we need a reason to do something stupid.
Sign Up Here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BTwVyIz-RDQM7xPBNFbcmEKBFvW4OY7o-8sVhsVaIKo/edit
Good work this morning, fellas. Glad to be out there with each of you. Oh, and we actually made the WCTI12 live shot this morning.
Mr. Roboto