14 men brought it up a level this morning at the Point.
Warm O Rama –
Albatross Wings
Mosey to convention center parking lot
The Thang –
Dark Webbs – 4 rounds…
Round 1 – 1 merkin; 2 (4 count) raise the roofs, run to other side of parking lot; 2 merkins; 4 raise the roofs; run…rinse and repeat until 10 merkins; 20 raise the roofs reached.
Round 2 – 1 jump squat; 2 iron mike’s (single count), run to the other side of parking lot; 2 jump squats; 4 iron mike’s; run…rinse and repeat until 10 jump squats; 20 iron mike’s reached
Round 3 – 1 big boy situp; 2 Am Ham’s (4 count); run to the other side of parking lot; 2 big boy situps; 4 Am Ham’s; run…rinse and repeat until 10 big boys; 20 Am Ham’s reached
Round 4 – 1 burpee; 2 SSH (IC), run to the other side of parking lot; 2 burpees; 4 SSH (IC); run…rinse and repeat until 10 burpees; 20 SSH’s reached
Mosey to gazebo
Mary –
1 merkin; 5 plank jacks – 2 merkins; 10 plank jacks – 3 merkins; 15 plank jacks
4 Imperial walkers; 20 Cuddy’s (calf raises)… ran out of time
No announcements
Closed out in prayer. YHC, Sandbagger