More Fun with Blocks

A Pax of 13 showed up on what turned out to be a very nice morning without the expected rain.  What ensued was a little shoulder and arm work.  We began with:

Mary:  Windmills ICx10, Frankensteins ICx10, SunGods ICx20, and Mt. Climbers ICx20.

Next up was a mosey to the warehouse on Craven St where the Pax each grabbed their friend for the next 35 minutes-a cinder block.  We ran back a workout that YHC led back in April with 4 sets of 20’s in various places around downtown-always with the block.

In parking lot on Craven St.  20 Elf on Shelf, 20 Irkins, 20 Curls, and 20 American Hammers-then mosey to

Sudan Temple:  20 Derkins, 20 People’s Chair w/chest presses, 20 People’s Chair w/overhead presses, 20 Lunges w/Side Throws-then mosey to

Field past traffic circle:  20 Blockees, 20 Calf Raises w/overhead block, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Dying cockroach’s with block over chest-then mosey to

Lot behind City Hall:  20 Lion Kings, 20 Irkins, 20 Curls, 20 People’s chair w/overhead presses-then mosey to

Parking Lot on Craven:  20 Genuins, 20 American Hammers, 20 Dying Cockroach’s, 20 People’s chair w/chest presses

Finally we returned the blocks and moseyed back to the gazebo for

Mary:  Low Slow Flutters ICx20, Dying Cockroaches OMUx50 before running out of time.

Announcements:  Good luck to Bitcoin on his rucking adventure in Raleigh this weekend and YHC closed in prayer.

Pleasure to lead this morning-I know my shoulders are feeling it-hope everyone has a great weekend.

420 out.

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