23 men met in the Gloom in downtown New Bern to work. YHC had to make some last minute adjustments due to parts of Union Point being closed off – but we made it happen.
SSH x 25
Imperial walker x 20
Cotton Picker x 10
Wide Cotton Picker x 10
Downward Dog OYO
Upward Dog x 2
Thigh Stretch
Shoulder/Tri Stretch
After a thorough warmup we moseyed across the street to the front of the convention center for a warm up raccoon wall crawl. Once the final man made it around we gathered and mosey’d to the back of the convention Center for:
The Thang:
Partnered up and completed the following:
Circuit 1
Partner A – Slow Count Merkins x 10
Partner B – Slow Lat Pulls x 10
Circuit 2
Partner A – Alternating Side Plank Holds (5 sec hold) x 10
Partner B – Dips x 20
Circuit 3
Partner A – Jackknife Hold
Partner B – Irkins x 25
Quick 10 count then Rinse and Repeat
After completion we ran back across to the overflow lot for some Lower body work
Same Partner as before –
Circuit 1
Partner A completes LBC’s while Partner B completed:
Cone 1 – Split Squats x 10, then lunge to
Cone 2 – Plyo Split Squats x 10, then lunge to
Cone 3 – Squat Dead Lift x 10, then lunge to
Cone 4 – Side Lunges x 10 (5 per leg)
High Knee back to baseline and rotate turns
Circuit 2
Partner A completes Freddy Mercuries while Partner B completes
Cone 1 – In and Out Squats x 10, then lunge to
Cone 2 – Knee to Jump Squats x 5, then lunge to
Cone 3 – Single leg Dead Lift x 10 (5 per leg), then lunge to
Cone 4 – Squat Rockers x 10
High Knee back to baseline and rotate turns
Running short on time we had a quick Mary
- Heel touches x 20
- Superman/Banana x 10
** No Bear tomorrow as teams will gather to complete additional work – Bubble Guts to send communication out on specific needs and locations
The team closed with a quick prayer. Let’s continue to keep New Bern and those in our PAX in prayer as we continue to recover from the Hurricane. Thank you for the opportunity to lead today!
~ Acolyte