Ruck You Florence

After weathering the “thousand year” storm known as Hurricane Florence – the PAX was ready to get back to as much normalcy as possible.  With Union Point still under repair, the Ruck It PAX joined the Fartlek Pax at Garber for some Fitness, much needed Fellowship, and a whole lotta Faith.

With several road closures, we kept the workout simple.  Each man carrying a 30lb pack we rucked to Meadows Park.  From there we completed:

5 Pull Ups

10 Irkins

15 Front Loaded Squats

20 Curls

We completed 5 sets of this (substituting 20 over head presses for the final set of curls)

Ruck it back to Garber to join Gypsy and the Fartlek crew for Mary and COT.

Collectively the PAX completed 750 total reps and around 2 miles of rucking

Gander and Gypsy both offered incredible thoughts and prayer to those affected by the storm.  Our town has experienced incredible devastation and loss these last few days.  While the First F brings us together – the 2nd and 3rd F are what makes us strongest.  As a PAX we will need each other over the coming weeks and months.  Let’s lean on the strength of the group to pull everyone through – no man left behind.  For those needing shelter, or food, or support – please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of your brothers for help!  We are all here for support!

From the Bible (and F3 Gear Store):

1 Corinthians 16:13-14 – “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, ACT LIKE MEN, BE STRONG, Let All that you Do be Done in Love”

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

~ Acolyte

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