A Pax of 30 (THIRTY!) graced Oz & Pyro for their Double Virginity post…Oz was a virgin Q at The Point and Pyro was a virgin Q…anywhere.
We welcomed our FNG (Jeff Davis, nay RoundUp), threw out the introduction and disclaimer, and jumped in:
I started F3 via a mild Emotional Headlock from Oz 364 days ago on August 25th, 2018 and it is arguably one of the best things to happen to me, ever. I am so much better because of this community.
As for chemorads, Oz is a medical oncologist and I am a radiation oncologist. Chemotherapy circulates throughout the whole body, radiation is directed at a focused area. Both are given with the goal of making things better in the long run.
Oz and I are going to work today to “hurt” you both near and far, all with the goal of making you a better version of yourself.
- Cotton Pickers, in cadence x 15
- 5 Burpees OYO
- SSH, in cadence x 20
- Oz Pigeon Stretches OYO
- Quad Stretches OYO
- Baseball Stretches
Tha Thang:
Mosey from the point to the Galley Store Corner (NE Corner of Pollock and E. Front)
Plank for the 6
10 Merkins in Cadence
75% to City Hall sidewalk (NW Corner of Pollock and Craven)
Al Gore for the 6
Grab a piece of step or curb- baby/toddler squats, butt touching a step x 20
AYG run to grass lot (SW Corner of Craven and S. Front St)
American Hammers IC x 10
Mosey/Recover Run to the Convention Center Overflow Parking lot on the left and circle up
Plank for the 6 (poorly executed on Q’s part)
Ring of Fire- various exercises in a rotating circle, stopping to do a different exercise
Defensive slides to your left
Bobby Hurleys
Defensive slides to your right
Pistol Squats x 10- right leg
Bear crawl to your left
Pistol Squats x 10- left leg
Bear crawl to your right
John Travoltas x 10 IC right arm down
Plank Walk [aka Drunk Bear Crawl (sideways)] to your left
John Travoltas x 10 IC left arm down
Mosey to the end of the Raccoon Wall
Rabid Raccoon Crawl-
Raccoon Crawl the first wall in front of the convention center
Hop off
Backwards run up the ramp to the convention center doors.
Sprint down the walkway to the covered area
5 Burpees OYO
Raccoon crawl the 2nd wall
Plank for the 6
Rinse and repeat the Rabid Racoon Crawl
Mosey to the flagpoles
Mary, aka Yary:
- Yoga by Oz! Lots, and lots of yoga including Merkins, Werkins, and Ranger Merkins.
- Finish with FlankSteak Box Cutters to close it out x 35 IC.
- FNG Jeff Davis, who owns a Landscaping business, was named Roundup (we also considered Patrinka and Brown Patch).
- Announcements
- F3 Dads Camp T-shirts order open, closes 09/04/2018
- YMCA Men’s Adult League Basketball, email Pyro if interested in playing.
Thank you for the opportunity to lead, and to Oz for prodding to Q. More to come, feedback on tweaks welcomed!
Pyro Out!