A Pax of 16 resisted the fartsack and gathered at the Union Point Flagpoles for our prescribed morning of exercise. We had a FNG post this morning (Brad Kimmrey — TomTom), so the full Mission and Disclaimer was given. Upon completion of this recitation (with a booster shot from Mr. Roboto), we got started with:
- Burpees 3x OYO
- Sungods 4ct, 3x IC
- Cotton Pickers 4ct, 3x IC
- Short Mosey to brick wall that faces E. Front St for …
- Indian Plank on Brick Wall. Pax lines up and planks with feet up on wall. First Pax does derkin then sprints to other end of line to resume plank. Each Pax repeats the derkin/sprint until entire length of wall has been traversed.
- Mosey to grass field by the traffic circle for …
The Thang
- Mini Spartan — Pax lines up at river side and upon signal from the Q, sprints roughly 60 yards to pre-positioned set of markers. Upon completion of the sprint, Pax immediately drops to the ground for a rotating set of either 10 Werkins, 10 Ranger Merkins, or 10 Diamond Merkins. Once all Pax have completed the set, the entire group walks crisply back to starting point to Rinse & Repeat. Completed 21 repetitions of the Mini Spartan before heading back to Union Point Park. Although Gander was doing his part to initiate, there was not much in the way of mumblechatter. (Oxygen consumption and preservation must have been the priority.)
- Mosey back to same Brick Wall for Indian Plank in reverse direction
- Mosey to Flagpoles and circle up for …
- Cotton Pickers 4ct, 3x, IC
Completed Name-O-Rama and dubbed FNG Brad Kimmrey as TomTom. Closed with Ball of Man and YHC prayed us out.
Great day to be alive, gentlemen. Let’s be better today than we were yesterday. Looking forward to tomorrow at The Bear. As always, it is both an honor and a humbling experience to lead such a high-performing group of men. Thank you.
Bitcoin out.