Pax of 16 showed up for the Goose virgin Q. Conditions were muggy (didn’t matter). No FNG’s. Jumped into Warmarama:
24 – SSH
12 – Cotton Pickers
12 each – Sun Gods (F and R)
12 – Front Claps
12 – Overhead Claps
Downward Dog into Upward Dog
Indian Run to the wall just past traffic circle. Each PAX member claimed a piece of the wall and commenced to:
12 Dirkins alternating with 12 Irkins
12 “Goose” wall jumps
12 Dips
12 Squats (butt touch the wall)
Rinse and Repeat 4x PLUS 12 BURPEES
Slow walk to grass field. Circled up (not an early Mary).
12 American Hammers
12 Heel Touches
12 Mountain Climbers
12 Plank Jacks
Rinse and Repeat 2x PLUS 12 BURPEES
Mosey to City Hall where Flanksteak helped out calling LBC count (Thank you!!!)
24 LBC’s
12 Carolina Drydocks
12 Heel Touches
Rinse and Repeat 2x PLUS 12 BURPEES
Mosey to Convention Center wall. Eyed it for Racoon Crawl, but wrapped up our journey to 48 Burpees with 12 BURPEES.
Mosey back to Flag poles at the Point.
Mary – Flanksteak called 24 Box Cutters. Done!
Name-a-Rama…Announcements and Closed in Prayer.
Thank you PAX for support and help counting cadences. Worn out, but enjoyed it. Who’s the next virgin Q?