Sasquatch Prep, I’m Tired

11 men showed up to the high school at 6 a.m.  for a little pre-workout warm up which included:

AO #1 – Front of School

Imperial Walkers, Squats, Chilly Jacks, SST.

Over to wall for: People’s Chair Air Press, Balls to the Wall with Chicken Peckers. Rinse and Repeat.

10 Burpees OYO

23 minute run, 1 minute rest

AO #2 – Track Field

Bear Crawl Ring of Fire Mucho Chesto: Bear Crawl with stops for Diamond Merkin x10, Ranger Merkin x10, Merkin  x10, Wide Merkin x10, Staggered Merkin Left x10, Staggered Merkin Right x 10

Bruce Lee: American Hammers x15, Leg Raises x15, LBC x15, Heel-Taps x15, Crunchy Frog x15, 100s

10 Burpees OYO

10 minute run, 1 minute rest

AO #3 Covered Area, Front of School

Irkin x10, Durkin x10, Toe Taps x10 Each Leg, Box Jumps x10 Travoltas with Feet Up on Box x10 Each Arm, Calf Raises x20

To front of school to pick up 4 more friends and then:

BLIMPS: Burpees x5, Lunges x 10 Each Leg, Imperial Walkers x15, Merkins x20, Plank Jacks x25, Squats x30

3 minute run

AO #4 – 50 Yard Line

The Octagon: 8 stations with Partner A doing Alternating Shoulder Taps, Star Jacks, Copperhead Squats, Burpees, Goofball, Plank Jacks, Smo Squats, or Ranger Merkins while Partner B Bear Crawls or Crab Walks to middle, does LBC x10, then returns. Flapjack. Then rotate to next station.

8 minute run, 1 minute rest

AO #5 – Goal Post

10 Minute Murph: Repeat 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Merkins, 20 Squats. Substitute Pull-Ups with 10 Second Hang = 1, Tire Flip equal =2

23 minute run

Announcements: Sign up for Sasquatch. Go to ENC F3 homepage for info.

Q closed in Prayer.

Awesome job today gentlemen! Props to Acolyte and Bitcoin who did the workout with a rucksack.

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