Another beautiful morning at Union Point where 19 Pax gathered for Fitness, Fellowship and to visit a few sites of Faith. FNG, George Oliver (Pretty Mouth), joined our outing today so the disclaimer was mumbled and we jumped right into the schedule.
- Side Straddle Hops 15x 4CIC
- Sun Gods 10c $CIC, reverse
- Baseball Stretches OYO
- Downward Dog OYO; Upward Dog OYO
That woman of ill repute – Roxanne started our workout in hopes of me being more successful at completing the entire song – almost made it. Plank for 3:21, 27 Merkins, 27 Plank Jacks. We know where a woman of ill repute needs to go, so we started our tour of a few churches.
Moseyed to my truck and picked up our coupons (5 lb solid pavers) for the journey. During mosey time, if a car passed, Clyde was called and the pax were to stop in a Sumo Squat and present the coupons overhead. Clyde was the name of the orangutan in the old movie ‘Every Which Way But Loose’ – some things just stick in your brain needlessly. Thought this move looked like an orangutan. This move got harder – the squats not as deep, the coupons not as high as the workout progressed.
Mosey to First Baptist Church
- LBCs 20x SCIC
- Iron Crosses 2x 30s up, 30s down – individual pax rotated count
Mosey to Christ Episcopal
- Sumo Squat position for 50x coupon curls OYO
- Derkins with feet on fence 15x SCIC
Mosey to First Church of Christ, Scientist
- Partner Leg Throws 30x OYO, flap jack
- Plank Coupon Raises 15x 4CIC
Mosey to First Presbyterian
- Squats 50x OYO – audible to 40x
- Overhead Coupon Presses 100x OYO – audible to Ingrown for a 20 countdown – did about 60ish
Mosey to Centenary United Methodist
- Box Cutters 20x 4CIC as led by FlankSteak
- Iron Crosses 2x 25s up, 25s down – individual pax rotated count
Mosey back to start with a break at the corner or Middle & Broad to do dips for the 6. Continued back to the Shovel Flag for closing. 1.5 miles of mosey time between stations.
- Sumo Squat for the 6
- American Hammers 20x 4CIC
Name-o-Rama presented FNG Pretty Mouth.
Announcements – Sasquatch July 28th in Greenville.
YHC prayed us out.
Thank you as always – F3 has been a blessing!
I enjoyed this morning, fellas, even though it kicked my butt. I’ve decided that my butt needs some kickin’, so I’ll see you soon!