It had been a few months since YHC had Q’d so who knew how this was going to go on a balmy Sat morning but it was a super strong showing of 15 ambitious men. 7am came quickly and off we went.
-SSH x 25 IC
-Sungods forwards/backwards x 15 ea IC
-Cotton pickers x 15 IC
-Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
-Michael Phelps x 15 IC
-Indian run around school with 15lb weight
-Over the wall: 5 burpees -> over wall -> 5 LBCs x 7 sets
-Mosey to practice field for suicides
- Set 1: 4 cones, 5, 10, 15, and 20 Merkins, respectively; run to each cone/Merkins/run back
- Set 2: 4 cones, 5, 10, 15 and 20 AHs (double count); run/AHs/karaoke back
- Set 3: 4 cones, 5, 10, 15 and 20 CDD; run/CDD/high knee skip back
- Set 4: 4 cones, 5, 10, 15 and 20 Sumo squats; run/squats/run back
- Set 5 with partner:
- Partner A: 4 cones 5, 10, 15 and 20 Mtn climbers (double count); run/MC/run back
- Partner B: LBCs until Partner is A done then switch
-Peoples chair with 15lbs presses x 5 down the line
-Balls to wall, 5 count down the line
-Bond: Winthrope on lead!
-Dollys x 15 IC
-Oblique crunch x 15 each leg IC
-Keep Rob Jutras and his family in your thoughts as he recovers from surgery
-Join McRib and Roboto for Sasquatch in late July in Greenville
-Sputnik on Q for Fartlek
We went out in prayer
Strong work, men! Always a pleasure.