Beep Beep, I’m a Jeep

With the meteorologists having a hard time this week, no one really knew what to expect from this morning’s gloom. But 18 men gave it a shot down at Union Point Park for a good old fashioned beat down.


  • SSH x20 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x10 IC
  • Cotton Pickers x10 IC

Mosey to the back corner for The Thang:

Each Pax grabbed a modest sized rock and circled up for Romanian Dead Lifts x12 SC.

Next, YHC took a page from the GrowRuck playbook, courtesy of Cadre Heath, with a little Beep Beep, I’m a Jeep. While holding their rock extended away from their chest, Pax duck walked from one corner to the next.  Plank for the 6 on rock. 5 merkins once the 6 got in.

Mosey to the next corner holding rock with arms extended overhead. Plank on rock for 6. 5 more merkins once the 6 got in.

Clank Clank, I’m a Tank to the next corner (same thing as Beep Beep, I’m a Jeep, just a different rhyme). Plank on rock for 6. 5 more merkins once the 6 got in.

Mosey to the next corner holding rock with arms extended overhead.

Rinse and Repeat, Romanian Deadlifts, Lunge Walk to next corner, Mosey with rock overhead, backwards run, then another mosey with rock overhead to return our rock back to the pile.

Mosey off to the corner of East Front and South Front for Merkins that increased by 1 for every lamp post to Craven. We got up to 6 merkins at the last lamp post and circled back up in the field at Craven and South Front for Squat Hold Burpees x5 SC. Mosey OYO back to the park entrance where the pax collected for Merkins x10 SC.

Mosey back to the field between the flag poles and the gazeebo where YHC had set up 6 cones approximately 10 yards apart. Starting at 1st cone, sprint one length to 2nd cone and mosey the remaining 4 lengths, complete 1 burpee. Headed back the other direction, sprint 2 lengths, mosey the rest and then complete 2 burpees. Sprint 3 lengths, 3 burpees. Then 4, then 5.

Mosey back to the flag pole side of the field for Mary.

  • Low Slow Flutter x10 IC
  • Freddie Mercurys x10 IC
  • LBCs x20 IC
  • Travoltas x10 IC each side


  • Saturday Yoga, 1pm at A Hopeful Balance. Class taught by Roll Tide’s M. Free for F3.
  • Roll Tide is throwing a party for 2nd Graders from JT Barber Elementary School. Friday, May 25th, 9:00 – 1:30. Volunteers needed. Contact Roll Tide to participate.
  • Prayers for Man-o-War.

Goose and Gander on Q tomorrow at the Bear.

As always, thanks for the opportunity to lead.

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