The Bear BB: Come swing with me.

14 determined men posted this AM ready to swing. (Not of the keys/fishbowl variety)  Here’s what happened.


  • Helicopters IC X 10
  • Cotton Pickers IC X 10
  • Michael Phelps IC X 10
  • Downward Dog Calf stretches, into Upward Dog
  • Vajrasana Yoga pose with Sun Gods F/R IC X 10
  • Upward Dog into Downward Dog
  • SSH IC X 10

Slow mosey to track, a couple went all the way around to get there, everyone else went over the fence for

Thang -mosey to far goal post

  • PAX takes turns completing pull up on goal post, then monkeying (hand over hand or side to side) to opposite side and doing another pull up (or attempt) while those waiting do alternating lunges.
  • To the North West corner of track for Carolina Dry Docks, super slow with head almost touching IC X 20.
  • Easy lap with monkeying on goal post, PAX does alternating lunges and Monkey Humpers
  • To the corner for more CDD, IC X 20
  • Anther lap, back to goal posts for midsection beat down

Partner up

  • Partner A 25 hanging leg raises while partner B holds plank, when each is done then partner leg throws X 5
  • Repeat  with 20 hanging leg raises while partner B  plank, then partner leg throws X 10
  • Repeat with 15 hanging leg raises while partner B planks, then partner leg throws X 15
  • Repeat with 10 hanging leg raises while partner B planks, then partner leg throws X 20
  • Repeat with 5 hanging leg raises while partner B planks, then partner leg throws X 25
  • One last time to the corner for CDD, this time (surprise!) to 20

Mosey to front in the shade for


  • Boat Canoe
  • James Bond
  • Break Dancer to 8 (our highest number yet)

Announcements:  If you want/need a Siamese cat and/or a grand piano please let Unicorn know.  Cottle Park donations can be given to Bubbleguts.  We briefly discussed another AO as our numbers have been strong recently.

YHC closed in prayer.

Excellent work this morning gentlemen.  This workout is fun and tough to me, so thanks for putting up with it again.  Always an honor to lead.  Great showing at Carolina Bagel, where a fourth F was discussed.

McRib out! Don’t be a LTO.

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