YHC has Qed many workouts but it’s been about 8 months due to an injury. So, while not my virgin Q, it was “like a virgin” Q. And, that’s where the Madonna theme ends.
18 men arrived at The Point for some first F and to take in a very colorful sunrise. There were no FNGs so we circled up far away from the gazebo for
- Sungods IC x10 forward/10 reverse
- Cotton Pickers IC x 10
- Hillbillies IC x 10
- SSH IC x 8 regular, x8 right leg only, x8 left leg only
Mosey across the park to the rock/rip rap. Partner up and select a rock for
Thang 1
Partner A runs a lap around the park while Partner B curls the rock. After the partners switch and finish, plank for the 6. Repeat for 4 more rounds with the following exercises with the rock: squat, overhead press, bench press, tricep extension.
Thang 2
Sprint or backwards run (depending on call) to each corner of the main drive through the park. At each of the 4 corners, stop and perform the following exercises IC:
- Standard merkins IC x 15
- Shoulder taps IC x 10
- Wide arm merkins IC x 15
- Carolina drydocks IC x 15
Return to the flag for
- LBC IC x 25
- American Hammer x 20
- 6 inch leg raise x 30 seconds
After namearama, YHC deviated a bit from closing in prayer and thanked the PAX for their concern and support in many different ways during injury. F3 truly was incentive to follow the doctor’s orders in order to return to the PAX.