This morning, a Pax of 9 posted, and brought their inner Warrior to The Bear. With very little in the way of fanfare, we began our time with:
- SSH 10x 4ct IC
- Hamstring Stretch
- Down Dog Calf Stretch
We then moseyed from our gathering point to the back of the school where the track/practice football field was waiting. Once there, YHC explained The Spartan….
Pax lines up and on the Q’s command, sprints 100 yards, then performs either 10 Werkins, 10 Ranger Merkins, or 10 Diamond Merkins in a rotating fashion (i.e. trip 1 – 10 Werkins, trip 2 – 10 Rangers, trip 3 – 10 Diamonds, etc.) followed by 10 4ct American Hammers, then all walk back together to the starting line where we rinse & repeat. Object of The Spartan is to perform 30 sprints which gives a total of 300 merkins and 300 American Hammers. As you historians know, 300 is the number of Spartans that held the Persian army in check at Thermopylae.
As our time rapidly expired, it occurred to YHC that he may have had too ambitious of a goal, but by then, the Pax was in full-on Ultimate Warrior mode, not willing to give up on themselves or each other. Alas, time did get the better of us, but not before completing 21 repetitions of the sprint, merkin, hammer cycle. With just a minute to spare, the Pax moseyed back to our Shovel Flag and saluted the effort put forth by each member. Nary a drop of Merlot was spilled at any point in our journey.
After the Count-O-Rama, YHC closed in prayer, gassed, but proud to have survived this test along with 8 others, outstanding Warriors all. Total distance sprinted: 2100 yards = 1.2 miles. Total Merkins/American Hammers: 210 each.
Men, thank you for posting. YHC is tremendously blessed and humbled to have been able to lead such a fine Pax. “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17)
It is now time for some rolling pin rehab.