After 420’s beat down with blocks at the Point, YHC knew that the upper body would need some stretching, so he went with a workout he’s been thinking of for a couple of months. A PAX of 9 joined me for some monkeying around….
- Helicopters IC X 10
- Cotton Pickers IC X 10
- Michael Phelps IC X 10
- Downward Dog Calf stretches, into Upward Dog
- Vajrasana Yoga pose with Sun Gods F/R IC X 10
- Upward Dog into Downward Dog
- SSH IC X 10
Slow mosey to track for
- Shoulder warm up – super slow (head touching, or nearly touching track) Carolina Dry Docks IC X 15
- One easy lap and a half for stopping at far goal post for monkey business.
- PAX takes turns completing pull up on goal post, then monkeying (hand over hand or side to side) to opposite side and doing another pull up (or attempt) while those waiting do monkey humpers (slow and deep). MH eventually became impossible, so we did LBCs.
- To the corner for more CDD, this time IC X 10
- Another easy lap with monkeying on goal post (no pull ups), while PAX holds Al Gore
- To the corner for more CDD, this time to 20
- One more lap, then a little midsection work
Partner up
- Partner A 25 hanging leg raises while partner B holds plank, when each is done then partner leg throws X 5
- Repeat with 20 hanging leg raises while partner B plank, then partner leg throws X 10
- Repeat with 15 hanging leg raises while partner B planks, then partner leg throws X 15
- Repeat with 10 hanging leg raises while partner B planks, then partner leg throws X 20
- Repeat with 5 hanging leg raises while partner B planks, then partner leg throws X 25
YHC originally had Bear-muda triangle set up and realized there wasn’t enough time. PAX = disappointed. We moseyed to the front for
- Boat Canoe
- James Bond
- Break Dancer to 7
It’s worth noting that the monkeying across the goal post seems like it would be super easy. It is not, unless you are a pull up machine like Roll Tide.
Announcements: Cottle Park fundraising is in full effect – call or email Honey Wagon with questions. Gander has 2 tickets to the Epiphany gala if anyone is interested.
YHC closed in prayer.
Excellent work today gentlemen. Remember that Muhammad Ali did not start counting reps until the exercise started hurting.
If you are still reading (doubtful), it’s an honor to lead this group. I know, I know, I say that every time – but it is. More importantly, it’s an honor to be a part of this group. Thank you all for pushing me and yourselves every single time we get together.
McRib out! Dont’ be a LTO.