12 met to give the Murph a shot during a pouring rain and without a partner this time:
- 1 mile run
- 100 Pull-ups
- 200 Push-ups
- 300 Squats
- 1 mile run
The reps could be completed in any order and none needed to be completed before moving to another exercise. Most did 10 sets of 10 Pull-ups, 20 Push-ups, and 30 squats. Pull-ups are always the problem so everyone was given an option of substituting a tire flip for two pull-ups and/or a 7-second hang for one pull-up. We were all finished inside the 45 minute mark and a few even got an extra lap around the track for the 6.
With 15 minutes we jogged to the overhang for:
- Freddies IC x 20
- Oblique Crunches each side x 20
- Heel Touches IC x 20
- Freddies x 15
- Oblique Crunches x 15
- Heel Touches x 15
- Freddies x 10
- Oblique Crunches x 10
- Heel Touches x 10
Respectable showing at Pete & Nikki’s, 6/12
SIGN UP TO Q!!! Y’all gon mess around and piss McRib off and he’s gonna knock dicks in the dirt for a week straight, I’ve seen him do it. You think you’ve been pushing it a little bit? Catch McRib on a Hate-Q.