The Bunny and the Bear

Easter weekend.  A full moon on the horizon.  A beautiful brisk morning.  A perfect setting to bring 17 men including an FNG Roll Tide’s son (Gilmour) and Riptide from Carpex to the Bear at New Bern High School.  After the back beatdown from Unicorn the day before, the QIC needed to stretch out the front side of our upper bodies to balance things out.  After botching the F3 mission statement and disclaimer for our FNG, the clock struck 7am and we jumped in.


SSH x 25

Cotton Pickers x 10

Wide Cotton Pickers x 10

Sun Gods x 10 (reverse x 10)

Cat Stretch

Twisting Oblique Stretch

Downward Dog Windsor Stretch

Lying Cross Leg Stretch

Baseball Shoulder/Tricep Stretch

The PAX seemed to appreciate the extra stretching and warm up as it was perfect preparation for The Thang.  We did a quick mosey over the front field for a series of bunny hop ladders:

Circuit 1

Cone 1 – 5 Merkins with small bunny hop to next cone

Cone 2 – 10 Merkins with larger bunny hop to next cone

Cone 3 – 15 Merkins with broad jump bunny hop to next cone

Cone 4 – 20 Merkins with mosey back to baseline

Circuit 2

Mosey to the benches next to the field.  4 men per bench, 2 on each side.

Side 1 – 10 Box Jumps

Side 2 – 20 Dips


Circuit 3

Cone 1 – 5 Wide Merkins with small bunny hop to next cone

Cone 2 – 10 Wide Merkins with larger bunny hop to next cone

Cone 3 – 15 Wide Merkins with broad jump bunny hop to next cone

Cone 4 – 20 Wide Merkins with mosey back to baseline

Circuit 4

Back to the benches for:

Side 1 – 10 Bench Bunny Hops

Side 2 – 10 Incline Merkins


Circuit 5

Cone 1 – 5 Diamond Merkins with small bunny hop to next cone

Cone 2 – 10 Diamond Merkins with larger bunny hop to next cone

Cone 3 – 15 Diamond Merkins with broad jump bunny hop to next cone

Cone 4 – 20 Diamond Merkins with mosey back to baseline

After a quick 10 count we gave the chest a break with some Over/Under work:

Circuit 6

We formed a Plank Line with each man taking turns bunny hopping down the line.  After completion, we pulled the plank in a little tighter (more of a pike plank) and each man crawled through the tunnel of love.  The shoulders were burning after that one.

The PAX gathered there things and moseyed over to the Overhang for:

Circuit 6

Bunny Hop Calf Burners

Stair 1 – 5 Calf Raises

Stair 2 – 10 Calf Raises

Stair 3 – 15 Calf raises

Stair 4 – 20 Calf raises

Stair 5 – 25 calf raises

Stair 6 – 30 calf raises

Stair 7 – 35 calf raises

Circuit 7

Everyone grabbed a box to complete:

5 Burpee Box Jumps

10 Decline Merkins

3 Burpee Box Jumps

Circuit 8

Wall Sits x 10 count per man

Balls to the Wall x 5 count per man

Mosey back to the front for:


LBC’s x 75

Dying Cockroach x 15

Box Cutters x 20

Superman/Banana x 10

James Bond x to failure


Honey Wagon is setting up a table for Alzheimers Association event in May (see him for more details)

Still time for sign up for Dad camp at Seagull August 17 (sons and daughters of all ages allowed)

Schedule for Next Week – WE NEED Q’s – so please sign up, or if new you can co-Q with someone.

Fartlek – II fingers

Bushwood – OPEN

Point – OPEN

Bear – OPEN

Closed in prayer.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead the group this morning.  Great turnout and great effort!  Safe travels to those on the road this Easter weekend.  Blessings to everyone and their families!  Happy Easter!!

~ Acolyte

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