Don’t leave your friend hangin

14 posted up at The Bear.  Welcome our third new man this week, Aaron Griggs, henceforth Squirrel Nest.

Helicopters In Cadence x 15

Crucible merkins IC x 24

Carolina dry docks IC x 24

Mountain climbers IC x 20

Indian run to track for  plyos across field:


High Knees

Butt kicks


Partner up and A hangs from upright while B runs 100, switch x2.  One partner hangs while one does reps, switching between each set:

Merkins x 30, 25, 20

Groiners x 12, 10, 8

Take a lap around the track turning both staged tractor tires and clearing hurdles.  Burpees instead of hurdles if preferred.  Back to uprights to continue pattern:

Sumo squats x 30, 25, 20

Monkey humpers x 30, 25, 20

Take another lap and back to uprights:

Squat jumps x 20, 18, 16

Lunges x 16, 14, 12

Jog to covered area

Bulgarian split squats x 15, lunges x 15, ranger merkins x 15, dips x 15, derkins x 15, ierkins x15.  Repeat circuit with 12 reps

Oblique dips from side elbow plank x 10 each side

Oblique crunches x15 each side, x 10 each side

Frog pumps x 15, 30 seconds to spare

Honey Wagon sending info regarding new park in Trent Woods and fundraising efforts


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