The rain couldn’t hold back 13 determined men wanting to kick their Friday off with some Sprints at the Point. A strong turnout with no FNG’s – we jumped right into it. This workout was partly inspired by a documentary I watched on Usain Bolt – arguable the greatest sprinter of all time with 19 gold medals in Olympic and World Games races. Some of his world records are:
100 m sprint – 9.58 seconds
150 m sprint – 14.35 seconds
200 m sprint – 19.19 seconds
So for comparison sake- he can run end zone to end zone in under 10 seconds. Our goal today to train a little bit like “Lightening Bolt” and improve our speed and endurance
- SSHx20
- Imperial Walkersx20
- Cotton Pickersx10
- Wide Cotton Pickersx10
- Michael Phelpsx10
- Downward Dog – OYO
- Upward Dog – OYO
- Variety of Leg and Back Stretches
After a thorough stretch session we finished our warm up with a game of Catch Me If You Can. We broke up into partners.
Partner A runs backward while Partner B completes a Sumo Squat then sprinting to catch his partner and trade off. This was completed for 2 laps
Turn 1 – 1 Squat
Turn 2 – 2 squats
Turn 3 – 3 squats and so one until we reach 8 squats
With no breather we jumped into the next part of the workout for partner sprints
3 cones were lined up about 15-20 yards apart. Original partner groups challenged each other for sprints.
Heat 1 – Butt Kicks to 2nd cone then an all out sprint to the last cone. Repeat x 3
Heat 2 – High Knees to 2nd cone then an all out sprint to last cone. Repeat x 3
Heat 3 – Mosey to 2nd cone then an all out sprint to last cone. Repeat x 3
Heat 4 – everyone lines up and does an all-out sprint to last cone. Don’t let man behind you catch you. (Oz was hot on my tail the entire time.)
After a quick 10 count we mosey to the bridge wall for some:
People’s chair – 15 count per man x 2 (lowered to 10)
Balls to the wall – 5 count per man x 2 (increased to 10)
Ended the fun with repeating Heat 4.
We all jogged back to the gazebo for a quick round of Mary
LBC’s x 60
Boat/Canoe x 10
Superman/Banana x 10
Box Cutters x 20
Calf Raises x 100 (Cuddy request)
Monkey Humpers x 20
Great work today everyone. Thanks for venturing out on a wet Friday to better yourselves. Outstanding effort from each of you.
Still lots of openings for Q signups. If you are a first timer – you can co-Q with a veteran and we will make it happen! Have a great weekend everyone.
~ Acolyte
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