Bears Burp for Scrambles

8 fellas posted on this brisk morning for a little sweat. YHC was still feeling effect of Sandbagger’s biscuits trick  from Friday and was hoping WARMARAMA would get the juices flowing. Some MC ensued about the temperatures then we were off….


-SSH x 25 IC

-Abe Vigoda x 20 IC

-Goofballs x 20 IC

-Imperial walkers x 20 IC


-Wall, part I: Merkins x 20, climb over wall, Air presses x 40 -> Back over wall Merkins x 16, climb over wall, Air presses x 32 -> Back over wall Merkins x 12, over wall, presses x 24….continue until Merkins down to zero.

Indian Run around school to practice field


  • Lunge to cone 1 then burpies x 5, run backwards to baseline for gorilla squats x 20
  • Lunge to cone 1, burpies x 5 then bear burpies (bear crawl x 4 steps, 2 burpies rpt) to cone 2 then dancing bears x 15 each side, run backwards to baseline for gorilla squats x 20
  • Lunge to cone 1, burpies x 5, bear burpies to cone 2, dancing bears x 15 each side, crab walk to cone 3 then Carolina dry docks x 30, run backwards to baseline for gorilla squats x 20
  • Lunge to cone 1, burpies x 5, bear burpies to cone 2, dancing bears x 15 each side, crab walk to cone 3, CDD x30, then toe touches to cone 4 then plank jacks x 45, run backwards for gorilla squats x 20


  • Dips x 20
  • Step ups x 10 each leg
  • LBCs x 40
  • Rinse repeat

-Wall, part II:

  • BTW down the line, 15 sec count each
  • Peoples chair down the line, 15 sec count each


-Circle with continuous high knees and up/downs called by each member

-Capt Thors (WWW I x 2 and AH x 4 = 1) x 20


  • 420 on for 1/29 Fartlek
  • Roboto signed up for race in Richmond this spring – welcomed others to join
  • Bridge run 3/24 – see HT emails, need a good F3 showing. Don’t disappoint Kevorkian

Always a pleasure… onto the Scramble.




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