Twelve men converged on Union Point for a chilly morning of work. As promised, the temps outside were cold, but the core temps were on fire. After welcoming 2 relatively new members to the PAX (Bitcoin and Plan B) – we jumped right in.
- SSH x 25
- Imperial Walkers x 20
- Cotton Pickers x 10
- Wide Cotton Pickers x 10
- Kneeling Crunches x 10 per side
- Downward/Upward Dog – OYO
- Neck Stretch – OYO
- SHoulder/Tricep Stretch – OYO
After a good warmup – we took a quick mosey to the back of the convention center. The group paired up for:
The Thang:
Round 1:
Partner A – Slow Push Ups Planks (5 Sec Up/5 Sec down) while
Partner B – Slow Rows x 20 then switch
Round 2:
Partner A – Alternating Planks – side/front/side (5 Sec each) while
Partner B – Dips x 30 then switch
Round 3:
Partner A – Jackknife – (5 sec hold) while
Partner B – Wide Incline Merkin then switch
After completion the PAX took a quick mosey to the Wall under the Bridge for:
People’s Chair x 10 second Count per man
Wall Plank hold (alternating while each man completes a Wall Crawl)
People’s Chairx 15 second count per man
Balls to the Wall – 5 second count per man
Out of breath – we jogged back to the gazebo for a round of:
American Hammer x 20
Dying Cockroach x 20
Freddy Mercury x 20
LBC x 50 (+10 for good measure)
Superman/Banana x 10
Box Cutters x 20 (led by Oz)
007’s x 10 (led by Cornfed)
We completed a quick round of announcements
- Bridge Run – March 24th – please sign up!
- Q’s – We need them desperately.
Closed in Prayer! Ingrown on the Bear tomorrow!
Thanks for allowing me to lead this morning. You are all a great group of men and I am inspired by your effort and commitment! Have a great weekend everyone!
~ Acolyte