The rain slowed to a slight drizzle just long enough for the six that posted to focus more on form today than reps. All reps were completed with a four count on the concentric and another four count on the eccentric phase.
We started with a plyometric lap around the park to warm up, carioca one side, high knees another, carioca the next, and back to the starting point with butt kicks.
- Sun Gods x 10
- Chinooks x 10
- Baseball Delt/Tri Stretches
- Tempo Merkins x 10
- Rail Supported Single Leg Squat x 10 each leg
- Perfect Pull Up x 1/2 your failure rep count, 1 Negative
Jog behind the convention center:
- Behind Head Pullup x 10 OYO using railing, feet supported
- Rail Supported Single Leg Squat x 10
- Repeat
Jog back under bridge and around corner and select a piece of rip-rap
- Single Leg Romanian Deadlift x 10 each leg
- Tempo Merkins x 10
- Repeat
Jog back behind convention center
- High Lat/Trap Pullup x 10 x 2
- Pole Dancing x 16
Jog to swing sets and form groups of three where each rotates between
- Hanging Rows x 10
- Side Skaters
- Curtsy Lunges
- BTTW with shoulder presses while partner holds legs x 10 x 2
- Fire Hydrants x 20 each leg
- Leg Lifts x 20 each leg
Back to the gazebo
- Glute Bridges x 30
- LBCs x 20
- WWI x 20
- Freddie Mercury x 20
No announcements, discussed whether there would be a fartlek on Christmas day..
Solid recovery efforts at Pete & Nikki’s by 2/3 of group
I thought we were calling it Riff-Raff, but sure enough, I was wrong…
1. loose stone used to form a foundation for a breakwater or other structure.