Lloyd’s at it again

It was a beautiful, clear cold morning at The Point lit up by stars and our very own Christmas tree in the gazebo.  A pax of 7 congregated to attempt to work off the previous day’s feast (s) and YHC was happy to oblige (not really).  As my nephew joined us this am YHC busted out the full disclaimer and mission statement and then jumped into:

Warm-a-rama-Windmills x10, Frankensteins x10, Sun Gods x20, Mt Climbers x20 and Michael Phelps OYO

the Pax then moseyed around the convention center and through the Doubletree before stopping to do 5 Burpees OYO followed by a sprint up Craven St to the warehouse.  Each member of the pax grabbed a cinder block and the Thang was on:

Partner up for Flora 1,2,3

100 Derkins:  Pax A does 10 Derkins using block while Pax B holds decline plank on block-flapjack until 100 reached

200 LBC’s:  Pax A does 20 LBC’s with block while Pax B holds legs 6 inches off ground with block extended over chest-flapjack until 200 reached

300 Goblet Squats:  Pax A does 25 Goblet Squats with block while Pax B holds Goblet Squat position-flapjack until 300 reached

YHC had forgotten how much this sucked and the Pax quickly realized the true challenge lay in the static portion of this exercise

Laps:  For each of these the lap consisted of Partner running one lap around the Morgan’s parking lot carrying cinder block overhead for 1/2 of lap with second partner handling the other 1/2 carry on their lap.  Pax A ran while Pax B did:

Lap #1 Blockees-flapjack

Lap #2 Elf on the Shelf with block (10 per side-switch)-flapjack

Lap #3 Rock-A-Bye Baby with block-flapjack

Lap #4 Colt 45-flapjack

A quick Mosey back to The Point followed by Mary of Low Slow Flutters x30 as time expired

Name a rama produced Dry Rub from Memphis and YHC closed in Prayer.

Thanks to those that came out this morning-it was tough getting up today but the reward was worth it.  McRibb has The Bear tomorrow for some light stretching-come on out.


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