11-4-17 Bear Backblast – Brolympics and some Little Bros

10 full-size bros and 7 smaller bros gathered at the home of the Bears.  QIC decided to lay down an invite for little dudes and some of the PAX responded.  Before the beatdown, we hunted for our mascot, the crayfish, then remembered that Honey Wagon ate him.  Riptide brought the knowledge about the Beaver Moon.  Knowing is half the battle.  2.0s were a mix of confused, scared, and asleep.  Some were cold, but not for long.


Surfer Stretch –> Downdog –>  Updog  –>  Sungods forward and back, big and small IC –> SSH x 25 IC –> Alternating Shoulder Taps X 25 IC –> Tempo Merkins X 20 IC –> Broad Jump 1/2 the lot, Lunge Walk 1/2 –> rinse and repeat Broad Jump, Lunge Walk

THANG 1 – Circuit Training and the Wall

Indian Run from the front parking lot to the covered area.  2.0s blasted this.  At the covered area, we did this OYO: Calf Raises 10 x each step –> Box Jumps x 20 –> Derkins X 15 –> Bulgarian Split Squats x 10 each leg

From there we moved to the wall.  Wall Sit for a 10 count down t he line.  2.0s figured out the hilarious and original trick of counting slowly.  Then BTTW.  QIC had visions of 2.0 faceplants, but we did it anyway.  2.0s crushed this, and wanted to do it again, so we let them.  210 proudly announced that he does handstands in the shower???

THANG 2 – Brolympics

A completely failed Indian Run to the track and practice football field by the Brolympics.

First event – Merkins AMRAP (no cheating).  Cookout took home the gold with 57.  QIC announced that the winner got to call the next exercise, but wouldn’t have to participate.  It was a mistake.  Cookout unleashed 15 burpees on the unsuspecting PAX.

Second event – Pull Ups AMRAP.  We lifted the 2.0s onto the field goal crossbar.  Due to structural integrity concerns, 3 PAX at a time.  Unicorn took the gold with 14, as best I recall.  Unicorn then did a surprising thing.  He gave in to the cries of the children who wanted to flip the tires.  They say that Unicorn’s small heart grew three sizes that day. And then – the true meaning of F3 came through, and Unicorn found the strength of *ten* Unicorns, plus two!

Third event – Giovanni Bernard (100 yard sprint being careful not to trip on Tom O’Brien’s career).  There was a disjointed start, but Mr. Roboto (No he’s not!  Yes he is!) won the light blue medal.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gQ7tVlMruo

QIC was so dizzy that I’m not sure what exercise Roboto called out for his victory celebration.

Fourth event – Bear Crawl race 20 yards.  Not surprise that part-bear part-Unicorn took this one.

THANG 3 – Short Round of Whammo

We had a better organized Indian Run to the practice baseball field area for a short found of Whammo, mostly just to let the 2.0s throw the Frisbee.  2.0s threw the Frisbee, then (with some help) called out an exercise for the PAX to complete on their way to the landing spot.  This one won’t win any awards for organization, but no one seemed to mind.


With just a few minutes left, we hustled back to the shovel flag for:  Low Slow Flutter X 25 IC –> Freddy Mercury X 20 IC –>  Boxcutters X 20 IC.

We then did namarama and gave each 2.0 an F3 name.  Squirtle, Jokester, Vagabond, Kyrie, 210, 105, and Speedy.  We took it easy on them, except for perhaps Kyrie.

We closed in prayer then took the photo required by 420’s M.



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