11 gathered in the Gazebo under a heavy fog this morning, avoiding one deer on the way to the AO that liked said fog even less than we did.
- SSH until all Pax arrived. Ended up being x25 IC.
- Good Mornings x10 IC
YHC quickly talked about Parkour being an urban sport where the goal was to get from one point to another in an athletic, expeditious, and artistic fashion, and while that’s probably not what we’d really be doing, off we went anyway to find a few things to jump on.
Mosey out of park towards the convention center, jump off of concrete block down on to grass, under street sign, jump the railing, hop up on and walk along the brick retaining wall and back down onto the sidewalk to the front entrance of the convention center where we began
The Thang:
- Derkins x10
- Irkins x10
- High Step Ups x10 each leg
- Rinse and Repeat plus Box Jumps x3 on the second round.
Mosey to the corner of Craven and South Front for 3 Burpees on the Bricks.
Mosey to the parking lot behind Mitchell’s Hardware for a round of Circle Burpees (1 burpee first time around, 2 burpees for the next time around.
Mosey through the alley with a right on to Pollock to the steps of City Hall for 50 calf raises.
Next round took us to the lot behind City Hall and the Christ Episcopal Church for a couple rounds of Grinders. Groups of 3+. Pax one is on one side of the lot performing one exercise; Pax two is on the other side of the lot performing another exercise. Pax three runs to pax two and takes his place while pax two runs back to relieve pax one. Complete this 3 times. For a little Parkour flavor, we did this where there was a brick wall to scale between each side. McRib got the artistic award with his flailing.
- Grinder Round 1: Merkins and Squats
- Grinder Round 2: Mountain Climbers and Bobby Hurleys.
Mosey back to Pollock for lunge walk to first lamp post, bear crawl to second lamp post, mosey next two lamp posts, then lunge walk to the corner.
Indian Run back to Union Point park for a little swing set work.
3 groups.
Group one at the big swings for Suspended Reverse Crunch x15.
Group two in the grass for Squats x20, and
Group 3 at the kiddie swings for Pullups x6 and Bodyweight Rows x8.
Rotate through each station twice.
Mosey back to the Gazebo for Mary:
- Low Slow Flutter x15 IC
- Freddie Mercurys x15 IC
- Dying Cockroaches x10 IC
- LBCs x20 SC
And that was it.
Beer and Bacon Fest at the Farmer’s Market tonight. YHC prayer to send us off.
Harris Teeter at the Bear – Bring your VIC card and your kid.
Sputnik at the Fartlek – Be ready for low earth orbit and bring your re-entry gloves.
Need a Q for Bushwood – Bring your creativity. Great opp for a VQ!
Bomble makes a return for the Point – Bring your mumblechatter.
Thanks for putting in the effort today. I enjoyed it.