We had 11 at the foggy Bear, but no FNGs. Here’s how it went down:
Side straddle hops X 25 IC
Downdog into updog
Sungods X 20 IC, Reverse sungods X 20 IC
Tempo Merkins X 10 IC
Double-count Merkins X 10 IC
Warm-up mosey around the front parking lot, then…
Carioca down and back
High knees down, butt kicks back
Broad jump one length of the lot
An aggressive warm-up. For sure, the highlight was Cornfed announcing the presence of some alien creature in the lot. Turns out it was not a sign of the apocalypse; just a crayfish. They don’t have those in Iowa.
Mosey to the covered area for some quick work:
Calf raises X 20 on each step
Box jumps, Dips, Derkins – all X 20 OYO
Mosey around the school to the football practice field for:
Circle Merkin and Circle Burpee, twice each
Shoulder Taps X 20 IC
Knee Taps X 20 IC
Line up on the sideline for Bear Crawl Line plus Merkin (PAX hold plank position lined-up length-wise; ran in the back bear crawls to the front, complete a merkin when he gets there, repeat until all PAX have bear crawled)
Whammo! Each man threw the Frisbee, calling out an exercise while the Frisbee was in the air. The PAX sprinted toward the Frisbee until it hit the ground, then completed the named exercise. We went a full round here. Some were merciful. Some weren’t.
Partner Up!
150 Chilijacks / Sprint, then Backward Run back
75 Merkins / Skip, the Backward Run back
—The PAX were gassed here, so an audible was called. Dealer’s Choice for a chance to catch our breath. 007 Hold from Winthorpe, Monkey Humpers from 420, Something from McRib, Copperhead Squats from Roboto, Starman from Ingrown.—
100 LBCs / Run down and back
Dying Cockroach X 20 IC
Low slow flutter X 20 IC
Freddy Mercury X 20 IC
Chilcutt Plank Hold 30 seconds X 2
No announcements. QIC took us out with a short prayer.