Seven men ventured to New Bern High School for The Bear. With rain in the forecast, we were spared a washout, but certainly not spared some pain. After some short chatter, the PAX moseyed to the front grass for warmups. Honey Wagon squealed in during warm-ups to complete our PAX for the day.
SSH x 25
Cotton Pickers x 10
Wide Cotton Pickers x 10
Imperial Walkers x 15
Downward Dog Calf Stretches – OYO
Upward Dogs x 3
Dancing Bear x 5 per side
Dancing Bear with crunch x 5 per side
Thigh Stretches
With legs nice and warm, the group moseyed to the far field for:
The Thang:
Today’s workout is All About That Base – designed to build tree trunk legs. The QIC hopes to one day sport some shorts like Mr. Roboto – and this workout was a start. The field was divided by 4 cones – each about 30 yards apart. Each cone a leg exercise was performed – followed by a travelling leg exercise to the next cone.
Circuit 1
Cone 1 – Split Squats 5 per leg (4 counts for 1)
Lunge to next Cone
Cone 2 – Plyo Split Squats (5 per leg)
Squat walk to next cone
Cone 3 – Squat Deadlift x 10
Bear Crawl to next cone
Cone 4 – Side Lunge x 10 per leg
High Knee Skip back to baseline. Rinse and Repeat
Circuit 2:
Cone 1 – In and Out Squats x 10
Lunge to next cone
Cone 2 – Knee to Squat jumps x 10 (these were brutal)
Squat walk to next cone
Cone 3 – Single Leg Deadlift x 5 per leg
Bear crawl to next Cone
Cone 4 -Squat Rockers x 10
High knee skips to baseline. Rinse and repeat.
After a 30 count (and collecting the cones) – the PAX moseyed to the overhang for another round of exercises:
We decided to give the quads a break and work lower legs a bit.
Calf Raises:
We started with stair calf raises. 30 raises per stair. 6 sets of stairs = 180 calf raises. We alternated with foot positions for outer and inner raises.
Burpee Box Jumps x 10
Bulgarian Split Squats with foot on box x 10 per leg
Incline Merkins x 20
Rinse and Repeat
We polished off our leg day with a few rounds of Wall Sits.
Round 1 – Standard Wall Sits – 10 count per man
Round 2 – Deep Wall Sits – 10 count per man
Round 3 – One Legged Wall Sit – 3 count per man
Round 4 – Alternate One Legged Wall Sit – 3 count per man
After being completely gassed, the group moseyed to the front for:
WWI Situps – x 20
Glute Bridge (with 5 second hold) x 10
Superman/Banana x 5 each
2 min plank – 1 minute tradition/1 min on elbows
It was a small group of men today, but each man gave an incredible effort. We may all be cursing the stairs or the toilet later this weekend – so make sure to stretch those legs as much as possible.
Honey Wagon is selling tickets for the upcoming Rotary Gala – $$ goes to help buy shoes for children in need in Craven County. Great event for a great cause.
Gabe sent out a prayer request for one of his friends whose mother is recovering from a recent fall/surgery.
QIC closed in prayer.
Upcoming Schedule:
Fartlek – 2 Finger
Bushwood – O-Face
The Point – Ingrown
The Bear – OPEN??? (please sign up)
Have a great weekend everyone – thanks for bringing your BEST!
~ Acolyte