The Point Backblast – Count to 15

10 men and 1 FNG gathered at Union Point in a humid gloom to start their Friday.  After briefly reviewing the mission statement and disclaimer, YHC kicked things off with 15 reps for each exercise in honor his son’s 15th birthday.

Sun Gods x 15 IC 4CT (front and back)
Windmills x 15 IC 4CT
SSH x 15 IC, 4 CT
Downward Dog
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC

Indian Run to the First Post Road historical marker.

Partner Sets
60 Merkins (Partner A did exercise while Partner B held plank, alternated after 15 reps)
60 Squats (Partner A did exercise while Partner B did calf raises, alternated after 15 reps)
60 Dips – (Partner A did exercise while Partner B held plank, alternated after 15 reps)

Moseyed to the grassy lot at the traffic circle
Modified beast – 6 reps at 6 stops
Squats, Burpees, WWI, Burpees, Squats, Merkins
Rinsed and repeated with 15 reps at each stop

After a short water break we organized to plank lines and then alternated hopping over each other.
We then moseyed to the front of the convention center for a raccoon walk followed by BTW.

LBC x 15 IC
Freddy Mercuries x 15 IC 4CT
John Travolta’s x 15 IC 4CT (Each Side)
Box Cutters X 15 IC 4CT – McRib led….

We closed with announcements, name-o-rama, and a prayer.


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