2 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back

16 men overcame the Fartsack to converge on the Point this morning.  The weather was muggy, which made warming up easy.  FNG Patrick (aka Schnitzel) joined us this morning, so we quickly reviewed the Mission of F3 and the disclaimers – and got to work.


SSH x 25

Imperial Walkers x 10

Cotton Pickers x 11

Prayer Squat x 15 sec

Prayer Twist Squat x 15 sec (both sides)

Downward Dog (calf stretch)

To add a little extra to the Warm-up, the Pax counted off into 2 groups.  Half of the ground completed a Pull-Up routine, while the others completed half-moon travelling merkins.  After 1 round completed, the group switched.  With arms warm, the Pax made a quick mosey to the top of Front Street for instructions.  QIC made reference to the brutal work done during a visit to Raleigh F3.  Known as the inchworm, the workout consists of running two city blocks, turning around running 1 block back for some form of punishment, and then running two more blocks, turning around for a block back.  The streets of New Bern are not nearly as long as the Capital City – so we improvised.

The Thang – Inchwork (redux)

Steady run down Front Street to Craven Street.  Turn around and run back halfway.  Drop for 5 burpees

Turn back around and run to Craven Street.  Turn around and run halfway back.  Drop for 10 Merkins.

Run back to Hancock Street.  Turn around run halfway back.  Drop for 15 Air Squats.

Plank for the Six.

We walked over the brick wall next to the BTM for Wall Squats – each man counts to 5 during the hold.  Time to rinse and repeat.  This time we did everything in reverse.  Hancock Street, to Middle Street, to Craven Street.  While also reversing the other exercises – 5 air Squats, 10 Merkins, 15 Burpees (we improvised with 10 – except for a a brave few.)  After a quick 20 count, we walked over to the wall on Craven for decline planks with a 5 count from each man.

With several minutes left, the Pax moseyed to the Stage on the Water for a little extra punishment.  Splitting back into the original groups, Group 1 completed reverse planks while Group 2 completed 5 Burpee Box Jumps on the stage.  Switch when complete.  We rinses and repeated, but added 8 Burpees for the second round, and standard planks.  With the group gassed (and a team of yoga pant moms stealing the gazebo, we layed down in the wet grass for:


LBC’s x 40

Box Cutters x 25

Superman/Banana x 5

Monkey Humpers x 10 (rears facing the gazebo for added effect.)

Roboto mentioned a brutal sounding Sasquatch event coming up in Greenville on 7/29/17.  We have commitment from a few brave souls – but please see Roboto for more details.  Mr. Belding sent a pre-blast out on 6/13 for reference.  The group closed in prayer and thanked God for the many blessings.  It was my honor to lead the group this morning after several months off the QIC.  Great work everyone!  Have a great weekend!

Ingrown on the Q for The Bear!

~ Acolyte


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