With the goal of simplifying Preblasts and Backblasts, improving communication, and to improve stats and figures, we’re moving to Slack. Slack is available on the Web or via an App for either Android or iOS.
Join here: https://join.slack.com/t/f3newbern/shared_invite/zt-dn9ucxau-_f0CrVRfpaTJqjWCpUVEhg0
I would suggest that you use the “Continue with Email” option and enter your primary email address. Enter your F3 name in the Your Name space (caps and spaces are allowed, i.e. YHC is “Mr. Roboto”), then follow instructions.
The sooner you sign up, the more accurate your stats will be for 2022 while YHC is still working on building out AO report pages.
Many of you may have previously joined Slack, please try to log in with your existing account.
Slack is very customizable on how much you get notified. I’ll work on building out a reference guide, but in the meantime, poke around and get familiar.
Join channels for the AOs you participate in so that you receive preblasts and backblasts. Plan your training in an #xtra-credit-run (doesn’t exist yet, but you can create it) or #growruck channel. DM each other to coordinate a clown car. Hit up the #mumblechatter channel to talk some smack or to see if you can borrow a tool you need for that project you said you’d finish last summer.
Here’s a template how to post a Backblast. This is important because it will allow for us to track stats and attendance so the Pax can look back on how many times they’ve shown up or how many times they’ve Q’d.
Begin by going the correct AO Channel, i.e. #ao_bushwood, and start a new message. It should be similar to the below. You can copy the header portion of post above and paste it into the message
Backblast (Give your workout a creative name, make sure the first word of the message is Backblast with NO SPACES before it)
Date: Day, MM/DD/YY (note – the format is pretty flexible, you can use 05/05/2021 or Wednesday, May 5, 2021. If entering on your phone, make sure your phone doesn’t turn this into a telephone# hyperlink like seems to happen sometimes… if the date turns blue, your phone made it a hyperlink and it will break)
AO: AO Name (use the channel name if possible like #ao_bushwood)
PAX: Tag every PAX in attendance with @NAME. Make sure they’re tagged/blue. If not on Slack, just list their F3 name.
FNGs: Say the total # of FNGs, then list their new F3 names here separated by commas. They mostly won’t have Slack accounts set up yet. Even if they do, list them here.
Q: tag Q and co-Q if applicable with @NAME. Q first, then Co-Q second.
Total: Total number including Q, PAX, and FNGs. Number only, no text.
Conditions: How was the morning? Get colorful.
Warm-Up:Exercise 1
· Exercise 2
· …
The Thang:
– Describe your BD.
· Exercise 1
· Exercise 2
· …
· Announcement 1
· Announcement 2
· …
Q took us out in… <prayer? poem? meditation? Silence? His why? …>