Warm O Rama
Tour de Christmas Tree
- Side Straddle Hops (SSH) x 25, In Cadence (IC) 4 CT
- Imperial Walkers x 20, IC 4 CT
- Freedom Twists x 20, IC 4 CT
- Merkins (Tempo) x 15, IC 4 CT
- Mountain Climbers x 25, IC 4 CT
- Squats (Tempo) x 20, IC 4 CT
Thang I
Pax 1 Exercises , Pax 2 Runs – Cumulative Total
- 100 Merkins
- 200 WW II Sit Ups
- 300 Squats
- 400 Crab Cakes – Cut short due to time
Mosey to Convention Center Parking
Pax line up on one side of parking lot
- 20 squats
- 10 Merkins
- 5 Body Builder Burpees
- Run to other side
- 10 Imperial walkers
- 20 Mountain Climbers
- 20 Bobby Hurleys
- Rinse repeat 3 times
Run back to gazebo
- Captain Thors (1 sit up 4 American Hammers) 20 total
- XYs – Rosalita w/ Flutter Kick 20 IC – 4 Count
- Back stretch w/ knees to chest rock side to side
4 count hybrid of Rosalita- Flutter Kick. Start with legs at 45 degree angle. Count 1 and 2 are the Rosalita with Counts 3 and 4 going directly into the flutter kick.
Named / Announcements (Test Gander for bell ringing this Saturday)/ Merry Christmas
Great job thanks for the opportunity
Faulkner – Peace on Earth