5 men posted this beautiful late summer morning for a Labor Day weekend workout. We wasted no time and got right to work.
Good Mornings x 10 IC, 4CT
Abe Vigoda’s x 10 IC, 4CT
SSH x 20 IC, 4CT
High Knees x 10 IC, 4CT
Butt Kickers x 10 IC, 4CT
Quad and Pigeon Stretches OYO
Downward Dog/Upward Dog
We Moseyed to the front entrance for 10 Calf Raises on each step before moving to the wall for 20 Fly Away Irkins. We then moved to the adjacent practice field and did 10 WWIIs, Lunged 40 yards, 5 Burpees, Carioca back, then 10 Squats, Lunged 40 yards, 5 Burpees, Carioca back. We then found the benches and did 20 Dips and Step Ups, before making our way to the track. There we started with ½ Merkin Mile, followed by a 7 of Diamonds with 7 Burpees, 14 Merkins, 21 WWIIs, & 28 Squats at each corner. 5 Pull Ups were required before finishing each round but a modification became necessary. We then finished our Merkin Mile with the remaining Pull Ups on the far end. We then gathered the cones and made our way to the covered area after stopping to do 10 Calf Raises on each step. On the boxes we did 20 Dips, Step Ups, and Oblique Crunches. We then returned to the parking lot by way of the road for…
Various stretching exercises
Closed with announcements and a short prayer. There was some mumble chatter about Iron Pax Challenge Week 0. Appreciated the opportunity to lead today!