Sticky conditions for 12 men this AM. Here’s what we did.
Warm – O – Rama
- 7 burpees OYO
- Imperial Walkers IC X 10
- 7 burpees OYO
- Sun Gods F/R IC X 10
- 7 burpees OYO
- Michael Phelps X 10 IC
- 7 burpees OYO
- Frankenstein’s IC X 10
- 7 burpees OYO
Mosey to number 1 fairway, partner up for
- 7 burpees OYO
- Partner A WWIs, Partner B bear crawl across and back, continue until each partner has completed 70
- 7 burpees OYO
- Partner A Merkins, Partner B crab crawl across and back, continue until each partner has completed 70
- 7 burpees OYO
- Partner A squat jumps, Partner B backwards run across and back, continue until each partner has completed 70
- 7 burpees OYO
Mosey under club for cliff hanger Merkins, keep going until each partner has done 70
70 calf raises, then 35 toes out calf raises followed by 35 twerking calf raises (toes in)
Mosey to parking lot for:
- Low slow flutter IC X 20
- American hammers IC x 20
- Dying cockroach IC X 20
- Heel touches IC X 15
- 7 burpee OYO
Counted, named, prayed. Still sweating.
McRib out!