16 Pax showed up on a clear morning. Still a tad muggy but overall a great morning. No FNG’s but we did welcome back Ingrown. Jumped into:
- SSH IC x 30
- Sun Gods IC x 10 forward/backward
- Cotton Picker IC x 10
- Windmills IC x 10
- Burpee Circle with high knees
- Down Dog stretch
With the time change I thought it would be a little lighter, but it was still pretty dark. Regardless we ran down 18 hill and around 17 to the tee box where we did Shoulder Taps IC x 10. Run to 16 tee box for Shoulder Taps IC x 10 and Burpees x 10 OYO. Run to 15 tee box for Shoulder Taps IC x 10, Burpees x 10 OYO, WWI sit ups x 10. Run up 11 cart path closest to tennis center and stopped next to hard courts for Shoulder Taps IC x 10, Burpees x10 OYO, WWI sit ups x 10 and Squats IC x 10.
Moseying on we took a right on Country Club and a left on 1 cart path towards the Club stopping about halfway up. We lined up on the cart path and performed 8 reps of an exercise, sprinted across the fairway to the rough on other side and performed 8 reps of same exercise and sprinted back. Exercises were:
- American Hammer IC
- LBC on the up
- Merkin on the down
- Plank Jacks IC
We did this twice. Second round Ingrown called American Hammers, II Fingers called LBCs, Peeping Tom called Merkins and Winthorpe called the Plank Jacks.
Ad-libbing a bit (and called out by Winthorpe) we bear crawled to the middle of the fairway, did 25 LBCs on my up and bear crawled back.
Mosey to brick wall behind 18 for 20 box jumps and then back to parking lot for Mary:
- LSF IC x 20
- American Hammer IC x 20
- LBC x 30
- Box Cutters IC x 15
No announcements. YHC took us out in prayer. As always an honor to lead. Sign up to Q.