The Bear – BackBlast

7 men gathered on this beautiful and unseasonably warm fall morning. With no FNG’s and with Duce agreeing to serve as an unbiased timekeeper we jumped right into…

SSH x 20 IC, 4CT
Sun Gods x 10 IC, 4 CT (Forward and Back)
Cotton Pickers x 10 IC, 4 CT
Abe Vigoda’s x 12 IC, 4 CT
Hillbillies x 20 IC, 4CT
Downward Dog OYO

We did an Indian run to the track and divided into two teams for a modified Merkin Mile. (Before started we were greeted by an unusual sound that we soon discovered was the school’s goat that I believe was expressing his displeasure at being awakened so early.) The “Slow” team when in one direction and the “fast” team the other. 25 Merkins were performed when the teams met the second time. We continued for 4 laps with the fast team doing a little more than a mile and the slow a little less.

We then gathered in the end zone and selected partners.
Shoulder Presses – 50 (Alternate with partner holding legs)
WWIs – 150 (Alternate with partner running to 50-yard line and back)
Merkins – 100 (Alternate with partner running to 50-yard line and back)

Squats – 200) (Alternate with partner running to 50-yard line and back)
Shoulder Presses – 50 (Alternate with partner holding legs)

We then headed back to the track where we ran another lap did lunges and then raced to the gate. We then moseyed to the side of the school where we did 75 Johnny Dramas (aka calf raises), 20 Dips, 20 Irkins, and 10 Derkins. We then Moseyed to the front for…

Low Slow Flutter x 20 IC
LBC x 50 IC
Freddy Mercuries x 20 IC

Good work today and according to smart watches we clocked in a little over 3 miles.
Appreciated the opportunity to lead!

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