13 dudes played on the Hill at Bushwood this morning. We all had a great time!
Warm O Rama –
Michael Phelps and Matt Bondi’s to loosen up the shoulders
Blue Hawaiian lap and then headed to the Hill for…
The Thang –
Burp Back Mountain – partnered up, pax #1 runs backwards up the Hill 5x, while pax #2 is doing burpees. Keep going until 100 burpees completed.
Clock Merkins – all Pax in Plank position at 12pm on the Hill. 5 Merkins at 12pm, move to plank at 3pm and complete 5 merkins, you get the picture. We played around with the clock a couple of times.
Partner Carries up the Hill – Round 1 – Pax #1 carries Pax #2 up the Hill then we backwards lunged down the Hill, flap jack; Round 2 – Pax #1 carries Pax #2 all the way and all the way down; flap jack.
Rampage –
Round 1 – 10 squats at the top of the Hill, bear crawl to the bottom, 10 shoulder taps (each side), crawl bear back to the top of the Hill
Round 2 – 10 Bobby Hurleys, bear crawl, 10 carolina dry docks, crawl bear up
Round 3 – 40 LBC’s (thanks, Stye!), bear crawl, 10 burpees, crawl bear up
Clock Merkins one more time…
Mosey back to the parking lot
Plank Broad Jumps – pax lined up in plank about 2-3 feet apart, pax at the end of the line broad jumps all plankers then gets back in plank at end of the line. next guys goes. all the way through…
Climate Change – Pax holding Al Gore while each member did round of 3 burpees. Finished with Flank’s slow motion burpee at exactly 6:15am
No announcements today. Greatly enjoyed our time on the Hill this morning! – Sandbagger