9 of the Pax showed for finally Fall like conditions at the Bear. No FNG’s so we went right into…
SSH x10, One Burpee, Wind Mills x 10, Two Burpees , Triceps stretch overhead; Three Burpees Winthorpe Achilles stretch/ Downward Dog, Four Burpees We then did a short mosey to the side parking lot of the school for
The Thang part 1:
A set of benches were ready for dips so we started with 14 reps of dips then ran to the circle median where we did 1 WWI sit ups. repeat these exercises while decreasing the dip reps by one and increasing the WWI reps by 1 until the last set was 1 dips and 14 WWI. Very aggressive start. My abs hurt today!
Part 2 as we moseyed to the 1/4 mile track to complete the Bearkin mile. A Bearkin mile is a combo of a Native American bear crawl and a merkin mile. The Pax stayed in one 9 man group(f mistake, should have split the group up). After One lap the fastest folks got into plank position and the other group members would get into plank position right behind the next person. Once everyone was in position in a straight line the NA bear crawl started, once each group member made it to the front everybody would do 1 merkin. Once everyone did their bear crawl, the Pax took off for another lap and this was done 4x. This was tough even in cooler weather and then we moseyed to the covered area for Part 3….Lazy Dora…..
The Pax partnered up for high rep stuff OYO. first exercise was 50 merkins, partner A would do 20 merkins while partner B held peoples chair then switch until 50 were done. next exercise 100 LBC’s partner A would do 30 reps while partner B did low slow flutter, then rotate until 100 was hit. last exercise were 100 foot release squats. Partner A would perform the box release squats while partner B held plank position, rotate until 100 rep mark was hit. We then moseyed to the shovel flag for
Mary, box cutters x 10; freddie mercuries x 10; starmans x 10 with 10 sec hold at the end; heel touches x 15; 007s, then 5 Burpees OYO . At this point YHC and the Pax had enough.
No new announcements. Gypsy Q for Fartlek, Need more Q’s please don’t be shy and sign yo ass up!
YHC took us out in prayer.
Always a pleasure!