15 gathered this morning for the first Bushwood since the storm. We had a full agenda so went straight to 7 Blue Hawaiian, 7 stations each, start and stopped at station 1, so 50 exercises with reps to match the number beside each exercise below.
- One Arm Merkin
- Iron Hulks
- Up Downs
- Berp Merks
- Star Jacks
- Knerkins
- Burpees
- Monkey Humpers
- Durkins
- X-Cross Sit-Ups
- Carolina Dry Docks
- Groiners
- Ranger Merkins
- Pistol Squats
- Leg Raises
- Irkins
- Smurf Jacks
- Alternating Shoulder Taps
- Crunchy Frogs
- Merkins
- Sumo Squats
- Travolta’s
- Dips
- Windmills
- Wide Merkins
- Crab Jacks
- Low Slow Flutters
- Thigh Masters
- Low Country Crabs
- E2Ks
- Copper Head Squats
- Plank Jacks
- Imperial Walkers
- Lunges
- Dollies
- Chilly Jacks
- Toe Taps
- Crab Humpers
- Squats
- Sleeping Hibillies
- Mountain Climbers
- American Hammers
- Goofballs
- Zebra Buttkicks
- Dutch Skaters
- Calf Raises
- Heal Touches
- SSHs
- LBCs
- Peoples Chair Air Presses
Closed in Prayer
Strong Work Men!!!