Hawaii Five-0

15 gathered this morning for the first Bushwood since the storm.  We had a full agenda so went straight to 7 Blue Hawaiian, 7 stations each, start and stopped at station 1, so 50 exercises with reps to match the number beside each exercise below.

  1. One Arm Merkin
  2. Iron Hulks
  3. Up Downs
  4. Berp Merks
  5. Star Jacks
  6. Knerkins
  7. Burpees
  8. Monkey Humpers
  9. Durkins
  10. X-Cross Sit-Ups
  11. Carolina Dry Docks
  12. Groiners
  13. Ranger Merkins
  14. Pistol Squats
  15. Leg Raises
  16. Irkins
  17. Smurf Jacks
  18. Alternating Shoulder Taps
  19. Crunchy Frogs
  20. Merkins
  21. Sumo Squats
  22. Travolta’s
  23. Dips
  24. Windmills
  25. Wide Merkins
  26. Crab Jacks
  27. Low Slow Flutters
  28. Thigh Masters
  29. Low Country Crabs
  30. E2Ks
  31. Copper Head Squats
  32. Plank Jacks
  33. Imperial Walkers
  34. Lunges
  35. Dollies
  36. Chilly Jacks
  37. Toe Taps
  38. Crab Humpers
  39. Squats
  40. Sleeping Hibillies
  41. Mountain Climbers
  42. American Hammers
  43. Goofballs
  44. Zebra Buttkicks
  45. Dutch Skaters
  46. Calf Raises
  47. Heal Touches
  48. SSHs
  49. LBCs
  50. Peoples Chair Air Presses

Closed in Prayer

Strong Work Men!!!

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