Fartlek Backblast- Run Like the Wind II

18 gathered on a crisp October morning for take II of Run Like the Wind.  We welcomed Catheter from Greenville.  This time, the weather was perfect so we got busy with:


Side Straddle Hops x 10 IC

Mountain Climbers x 10 IC

Imperial Walkers x 10 IC

High Knees x 10 IC

Cotton Pickers x 10 IC

The Thang

4 Blue Hawaiian Laps at a brisk pace.  After each lap, single count Merkens were done, increasing by 10 each time: 10, 20, 30 and then 40 Merkens.

Indian Run to Garber Sanctuary Parking Lot.

10 Sprints across parking lot, followed by exercise, then mosey back.  Exercises were: Plank Jacks x 20 IC, Carolina Dry Docks x 20, Groiners x 20, Squats x 30, Burpees x 10, Mountain CLimbers x 20 IC, Ranger Merkens x 20, Iron Mikes x 20, Jump Squats x 20, Burpees x 10.


Quick Mary: American Hammer x 20 IC, Leg Raises x 20 IC, LBC’s x 20 SC, Heel Touches x 20 IC

We then moseyed back to the NBGCC parking lot and were done.

Nice work!  Thank you for coming, see you Wednesday!

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