The Dirty Bird – VAO

Well, the excitement of the VAO, the pending weather and a busy workout plan had me a bit flustered and apparently a bit chatty according to Stye. The humidity and the complete lack of a breeze was stifling, but 17 posted for the VAO at The Dirty Bird. No FNGs were present, but Cornfed and Oz tried to sneak in late, so we started with 5 burpees OYO.


  • SSH 4CICx15
  • Cotton Pickers 4CICx10
  • Downward Dog OYO
  • Shoulder and Arm Stretches OYO

The Thang

With speaker handy, we started off with a weather related musical interlude of the classic Rock You Like a Hurricane by The Scorpions. I shaved off 30s at the beginning to give us a total exercise time of 3:40. From the plank position, at the word hurricane, we did a merkin into a burpee, returning to a plank. Plank Jacks were enjoyed during the awe inspiring guitar solo at 2:30 to 3:05. Total of 10 burpees. I still don’t miss guitar solos.

Next, we transitioned into a routine that can be called either Sandman or Firewalker – it will be back in some form in the not-so-distant future based on feedback received. The pax paired up around the traffic circle  at 8 stations where a pair of exercises were assigned. I was odd man out and jumped in where I could, but I did not get the full effect of the cycle – I hope it gave a good work out. The kicker to the process was the two 5-gallon buckets of sand that were carried around the traffic circle to create our cycle time. The following sets of exercises were to be performed as the pax walked the sand around the traffic circle. No direction was given on walking path or walking speed – next time that will be addressed.

  • Sandman/Shoulder Taps
  • Barbell Curls/Dips
  • Block Squats/Plank
  • Bucket of Rocks/ LBCs
  • Spiderman Lunges/Box Cutters
  • Overhead Ladder Press/Low Slow Flutters
  • 4×4 Torso Twists/Johnny Dramas
  • Paver Crosses/Al Gore

Next, we moseyed around the school parking lot to the back corner parking spaces. We lined up at one side at the parking bumpers for Ascending Curb Crawls. Bear crawled to the other side of the parking lot and performed 1 Merkin, reversed, repeated back to starting side for 2 Merkins, continued to 5.

Next, we moseyed on around the parking lot back to the tennis courts and paired back up. Started with 15 Dip-Squats – partner A does and dip while partner B holds partner A feet, then partner B does a squat.

4 tennis courts were broken into 4 cycles of paired exercises as the pax progressed across them as follows:

  • Court #1: partner A does Alligator Merkins  while partner B holds a Bridge; flap jack
  • Court #2: partner A does Lt. Dans while partner B does Air Presses; flap jack
  • Court #3: partner A does Crab Walk while partner B does Pickle Pointers: flap jack
  • Court #4: partner A does Spiderman Lunges while partner B does Pickle Pounders; flap jack

Next, we moseyed back to the traffic circle for…


  • LBCs OMUx20
  • American Hammers 4CICx10

Being flustered and in a hurry – I forgot name-o-rama – I sincerely apologize. Bad Q mojo right there.

Announcements – Black Ops on schedule for tomorrow morning at Meadows Park at 5:30.

YHC prayed us out with all concerned and praying for everyone during the next few days as Hurricane Florence passes through the Carolinas.

One favor I ask is for the F3NewBern pax to consider time away from our own hurricane recovery efforts and getting together as a group for several days of volunteer work. There will be many, many opportunities to help those who are impacted by the hurricane. We can discuss next Monday at the Fartlek and Ruck It.

Thank you for the opportunity to Q! Blowing on out of here! See y’all next week!


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