Pax of 25 showed up on another warm morning. Fresh off vaca I felt compelled to Q – but I definitely felt the time off. No FNGs so we jumped right into:
- SSH IC x 25
- High Knees IC x 25
- Morning arrived a few minutes late, so at this point and upon his arrival we did 5 Burpees OYO.
- Cotton Pickers IC x10
- Merkins IC x 10
- Plank Jack IC x 25
- Down Dog Stretch
We then went on a mosey out of the club, right on country club road, left on country club drive, left on Greenwood, right on country club road and then right onto #11 fairway. This is approximately a mile. We stopped each tenth of a mile for burpees. Starting with 10 at first stop, 9 at next stop, 8 at next stop and so on. End result was one mile and 55 burpees.
On #11 fairway we found some lit cones. We partnered up with Partner A performing an exercise and partner B headed to either near or far cone and back and then flap jack. The following were performed:
- Partner A – LBC, Partner B – sprint to far cone and back.
- Partner A – Plank Jacks, Partner B – Bear Crawl to near cone and back.
- Partner A – Overhead Clap Squat, Partner B – Crab Walk to near cone and back.
- Partner A – Merkins, Partner B – Lt. Dan to near cone and back.
- Partner A – Plank, Partner B – sprint to far cone and back.
We then moseyed under the club for peoples chair and BTTW 5 count per man. Completing the Blue Hawaiian Lap we returned to parking lot for Mary:
- LBC x 50
- LSF IC x 15
- Box Cutter IC x 13 (hard stop at 6:15)
Great job today pax! Everyone crushed it. My time off had me struggling to keep up! We also avoided several vehicles and other obstacles. Thanks to those who brought out the headlamps. Can’t believe we are already back to the dark mornings. F3 Dad’s camp this weekend. For those not going, Purdy Mouth will be trying to look pretty Friday night at the new City Stage (formerly City Laundry) at 7:00pm.
YHC took us out in prayer!
As always, an honor.