A robust group of 22 men gathered on this humid morning to start their week with some jogging and sprinting along with a few exercises. With no FNGs we started right away with….
Sun Gods x 10 IC (Forward and Back)
Windmills x 12 IC 4CT
Quad Stretches – OYO
Oz Pigeon Stretches- OYO
Imperial Walkers x 12, IC 4 CT
Downward Dog Calf Stretches
Moseyed to Garber Chapel parking lot
Sprint length – Merkins x15 IC
Sprint length – Squats x 30 IC
Sprint length – Merkins x 15
Sprint length – Squats x 30
We then did an Indian Run to intersection of Holly Ridge and Country Club stopping at Unicorn’s abode for 12 MH IC to see if he would join us. Unsuccessful in our attempt we proceeded to the intersection where we did 10 Burpees OYO before running to Meadow’s Park with fastest group circling back at Devonshire and at the Park. At the park we did 30 Squats IC.
We then did an Indian Run to Garber Ministry Center stopping at Holly Ride for LSF x 20. At the lot we did 75 Calf Raises, 20 Dips, 10 Derkins, and 10 Irkins, before returning to the club parking lot.
Box Cutters X 12 IC.
We closed with announcements, name-o-rama, and a short prayer
Flank Steak has Bushwood, but we need more Q’s to sign up. Glad to have Peeping Tom return from IR. I appreciated the opportunity to lead and we covered about 3 miles today.