Rain held off and it was a relatively pleasant morning for the first day of August. We had a couple visitors from F3 Washington check out Bushwood after meeting our New Bern contingent at the Sasquatch. Hopefully the Q did not disappoint …
SSH IC x20
Bat Wings IC x10 each
Down/Up Dog OYO
Plankorama IC x10 each (Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks, Alternating Shoulder Taps)
Groiners x10 OYO
Mosey under club
Theme for the day was to target slow twitch exercises and burn out various muscle groups.
Wall of Fire (partner)
PAX A Squats x10, Ranger Merkins x10, Crunchy Frog x10
PAX B Ascending Testicles 30 deg, 60 deg, 90 deg (moved up each time PAX A finished an exercise)
PAX A and PAX B alternated Cliff Hanger Merkins x10
Repeated Wall of Fire with x15 and x20 reps. Goal was to hold Ascending Testicles approximately 30, 45 and 60 secs (depending on partner’s ability …)
Blue Hawaiian lap to hill beside 18 green
Ring of Fire (Side Hill, Bear Crawl, Mucho Chesto variant)
PAX formed a circle and bear crawled on the hill so that the ground angle was constantly changing. Q randomly called halts for x10 Merkin variations before resuming the crawl. Variations were Merkin/Werkin/Stagger Right Hand/Stagger Left Hand/Diamond
Walk back under the club
Legs of Fire
New exercise named Burns. Using a wall for balance, PAX raised up on balls of feet and performed a series of half squats without resting heels on the ground.
Burns – Standing to halfway x10, halfway to ground x10, standing to halfway x10, halfway to ground x10
Calf Raises x50
Burns – Standing to halfway x5, halfway to ground x5, standing to halfway x5, halfway to ground x5
Calf Raises x50
Mosey to parking lot
Chest literally on Fire
Inspired by Gander’s Roxanne challenge from a few weeks ago, PAX performed Bring Sally Up. Q played the song Flower by Moby (better known as the opening credit’s song from Gone in 60 Seconds). PAX started at the bottom Merkin position. Every time the lyrics “Bring Sally Up” played, PAX would push-up to plank. Every time “Bring Sally Down” played, PAX would go down to bottom Merkin position and hold. Song was 3 and a half minutes with a total of 31 Merkins. Good times …
Captain Thors (WWI with American Hammers, 1:4 ratio) x7
Thanks to our new friends from F3 Washington for joining.
Last day for shirt order is tomorrow, 8/2.
Sign up to Q. If you’re a virgin, don’t hesitate to ask for a co-Q.